

The theme of the Book of Daniel is the Kingdom of God. It shows us how God rules over pagan empires and is able to allow one kingdom to arise, and then another, but all the time God is ruling in the world with the intention of bringing in his own kingdom. All other kingdoms of this world arise from human sinfulness, and will inevitably be crushed and defeated by the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is a kingdom of spiritual power. It is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

replique montre
Part Title Reference
1 Introducing the Book of Daniel  
2 Daniel in the pagan Court 1:1-14
3 Daniel's Training 1:15-21
4 Looking for an Answer 2:1-11
5 Daniel's Spiritual Gift 2:12-30
6 The Dream and Its Interpretation 2:31-39
7 Four Empires 2:38-39
8 The Supernatural Stone 2:40-47
9 State Religion 3:1-7
10 The Fiery Furnace 3:8-30
11 A Dream 4:1-18
12 Coming to Repentance 4:1-37
13 Belshazzar 5:1-16
14 Weighed in the Balances 5:17-31
15 A Faithful Man 6:1-10
16 The Den of Lions 6:10-28
17 Beasts from the Sea 7:1-6
18 An Empire under Judgement 7:7-10
19 The Coming Son of Man 7:11-14
20 The Saints Receive the Kingdom 7:15-28
21 Persians and Greeks 8:1-12
22 Getting Help in Understanding 8:13-27
23 Daniel's Prayer 9:1-10
24 Seventy Sevens 9:11-27
25 Cyrus, the Lord's Anointed 9:25
26 Jesus the Lord's Anointed 9:26-27
27 The Angel of the Lord 10:1-14
28 History on Course 10:15-11:2
29 The Greek Kings 11:3-4
30 Ptolemies and Seleucids 11:5-10
31 Antiochus the Great 11:10-19
32 Antiochus Epiphanes 11:20-31
33 The King Who Does As He Pleases 11:32-37
34 Approaching the End 11:38-45
35 The Last Events 12:1-4
36 For Ever with the Lord 12:5-13


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